Witches.JPG (53967 bytes)         MENU.jpg (8867 bytes)

"Like unto these of the canon, the Witch Rocks are of basalt. They jut upwards through the smooth surface of a rounded hill, and form a cluster, so singularly like figures in kirtles and steeple-hats, or bonnets that they have received the appellation stated. At moonlight, and with their lengthened shodows stretching above the hill, their appearance is exceeding weird and witch-like."
         Captain Albert Tracy June 22, 1858

The formations on the left were also called the Whiskey Witches and the one in the center was called the Witches Jug or Bottle and another was called Battlement Rocks and the nerrow necked bottle to the right of the Witches Jug is called the Perfume Bottle. The formation in its entirety was called Witches Rocks or needles. A strong storm in June of 1999 blow the  spire portion of the Perfume Bottle down.